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Sports equipment in a sentence

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Sentence count:33Posted:2017-09-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: equipmentsports editorshipmentsportssportsmansport shirtsportswearsports arenaMeaning: n. equipment needed to participate in a particular sport. 
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1. Sports equipment is designed to withstand hard usage.
2. She's a sales rep for sports equipment .
3. Men buy cars, computers, records, photographic, sound and sports equipment.
4. Sports equipment stores in Alpine towns cater for the needs of walkers, hikers and mountaineers.
5. We were told to keep all our sports equipment in the lockers downstairs.
6. It is in the interests of sports equipment manufacturers to encourage such relative depreciation when their products have long depreciation periods.
7. The money goes to operate the buildings, buy sports equipment and learning supplies, and pay the salaries of the staff.
8. Application: Footwear, Sports Equipment, House Articles etc.
9. Translated Description : largest and most professional sports equipment, sports equipment, fitness equipment, basketball, sporting goods website.
10. The first true piece of sports equipment that man invented was the ball.
11. Sports equipment: multi - color rope skipping, surfboard safety rope.
12. Our company specializing in the production of sports equipment manufacturers formal.
13. DRAGON HORN BALL is a new sports equipment for body - building and entertainment[], specially designed for youth.
14. Major business school sports equipment, office supplies, paper and other various office.
15. Neptune sports equipment ( Komeito ), Airmate , Czech Republic Jiabao Electric ( Shiyan ).
16. Here, they have been using the sports equipment offering from China.
17. The core of the sports industry is the sports goods sector: sports equipment, sports clothing, and sports shoes.
18. There is a bicycle built from bits of old sports equipment and a harp cobbled together from instruments.
19. Michael : I love all kinds of outdoor activities. Surfing, rafting, and hiking. I deal in sports equipment.
20. Teaching equipment, audio - visual equipment, art, labor skills, sports equipment, by province I class standard.
21. Development of major entertainment and sports events with the bow, crossbows, arrows and other sports equipment.
22. Taizhou City, the town is the wild - renowned sports equipment home.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. This article discussed the uses of evidence theory and belief function for sports equipment purchase (decision, )and gave an example for method validity.
24. Our company is the production and operation of professional sports sports equipment manufacturers.
25. Scope of application: Anti - friction, anti - static materials, sports equipment, industrial energy highway construction, cement strengthening.
26. In addition, the basketball court, field and a variety of sports equipment.
27. Our main products include boxing, TKD, kick-boxing products and various kinds of professional sports equipment.
28. Don't overlook some of the more mundane items, such as books and sports equipment.
29. Jeff: The sports consumption fever brings along the prosperity of the sports equipment market.
30. Shanghai Aolan Sporting Goods Factory is one of the branch of Aolei sports, mainly produce the basketball stands, badminton stands, tennis stands and outdoor sports equipment.
More similar words: equipmentsports editorshipmentsportssportsmansport shirtsportswearsports arenasportscastersports sectionsportsmanlikesportsmanshipequiprequirementequippedequipoiseequip withequippingdeportmentcomportmentsequinill-equippedapportionmentspoilsportshort sellingreserve requirementobsequiesreapportionmentnon sequiturobsequious
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